Subject to the limitations noted below, BioNovus Life Sciences will apply “Packing, Handling and Delivery Fees” based on the following “Minimum Fee Charged” to orders with delivery addresses in:

  • Capital cities in Australian states including Tasmania and Australian Capital Territory as well as major regional centres (excludes Northern Territory)

For deliveries to addresses in Northern Territory and other Australian locations as well as for deliveries to addresses in New Zealand and any other overseas destinations the “Packing, Handling and Delivery Fee” will be determined on a per order basis.

Package Size and Type Shipping Temperature Minimum Fees Charged8,9
Packing and handling charge (for goods sent via a customer’s freight account) Ambient Temperature $30.00
Satchel only1 Ambient Temperature $45.00
Small cardboard carton or satchel containing a small cardboard carton2 Ambient Temperature $50.00
Cardboard carton or satchel containing a cardboard carton3,4 Ambient Temperature $65.00
Cardboard carton with inner Styrofoam container4 Wet Ice (4°C) $85.00
Cardboad carton for Microbiologics reference strains (the $25.00 surcharge for UN3373 Biological Substance, Category B5 is added to this price) Ambient Temperature $57.50
Surcharges Applicable for Dangerous Goods Comments re Surcharges Surcharge Fees9
Surcharge for UN3373 Biological Substance, Category B5 The “Surcharge Fee” is in addition to the applicable “Minimum Fees Charged $28.00
Surcharge for Dry Ice5,6 and Surcharge for Dangerous Goods5,7 The “Surcharge Fee” is in addition to the applicable “Minimum Fee Charged $190.00

Note 1: This is a fixed price “Packing, Handling and Delivery Fee” providing the packed weight of the Satchel does not exceed 1kg.

Note 2: Maximum packed weight of 1kg and a total volume of less than 20 x 20 x 22 cm or equivalent volume.

Note 3: Maximum packed weight of 3kg and a total volume of less than 23 x 23 x 23 cm or equivalent volume.

Note 4: Where the packed weight exceeds 5kg and/or the dimensions exceed 23 x 23 x 23 cm or the equivalent volume, a higher “Packing, Handling and Delivery Fee” may be charged.

Note 5: UN3373 Category B, Biological Substances” and “Dry Ice” and other “Dangerous Goods” cannot be shipped in a satchel due to specific “Dangerous Good” packaging and labelling requirements.

Note 6: Shipments containing “Dry Ice” are classified as “Class 9 Dangerous Goods” under IATA Regularions and the “Packing, Handling and Delivery Fee” reflects the surcharge applied by domestic freight companies for the handling and transportation of “Dry Ice” shipments will be charged on a per order basis.

Note 7: Other products may contain “Dangerous Goods” other than “Dry Ice” and under IATA Regularions the “Packing, Handling and Delivery Fee” reflects the surcharge applied by domestic freight companies for the handling and transportation of “Dangerous Goods” and will be charged on a per order basis.

Note 8: A higher “Packing, Handling and Delivery Fee” may be charged for deliveries to regional and remote locations.

Note 9: All “Minimum Fees Charged” and “Surcharge Fees” are exclusive of GST.